Teleinfos - How tech are you?


22.04.2004 at 14:00 in Cankarjev dom, Cultural and Congress Center, Štih Hall

The goal of this year’s conference is to discuss different viewpoints of the role, that technology has in student’s every day life – technological, sociological, business, entertainment, etc. Broad range of different presentations will give start to a discussion, that will define the role of technology, find grounds for such an extensive deployment and put out key advantages, disadvantages and further demands that students find most important and interesting.
Every opinion counts! Join in!

Moderator: Dragan Savić

14.00 Introduction Dragan Savić, Faculty of electrical engineering, University of Ljubljana
14.15 Indexing the TV arhive,Tomaž Rotovnik, Andrej Žgank, Faculty of electrical engineering and computer science, University of Maribor
14.30 Multimedia, Beatriz Alfaro, Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, EESTEC
14.45 SiTV,Temida Novak, LTFE, Faculty of electrical engineering, University of Ljubljana
15.00 BREAK
15.10 What are faculty web sites in Slovenia like? Mateja Dolničar, Faculty of economics, University of Ljubljana
15.25 Social effects of mobile telephony, Sanja Čikić, Faculty of social science, University of Ljubljana
15.40 Technology in business, Rok Zevnik, Faculty of economics, University of Ljubljana
15.55 University incubator Ljubljana, Rok Stritar, Faculty of economics, University of Ljubljana, LUI
16.15 DISCUSSION, Dragan Savić, Sanja Čikić, Mateja Dolničar, Mojca Volk, Rok Zevnik, Beatriz Alfaro, Temida Novak, Tomaž Rotovnik, Rok Stritar, Borut Sterle
16.40 BREAK
16.55 BEST,Primož Trilar, Luka Vidmar, Štefan Baebler, Pierluigi Mancarella
17.10 EESTEC,Borut Čeh, LC Ljubljana
17.20 Entertainment

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